Rex McMillian

Rex McMillian

Empresa: Ivanti USA

Título da palestra:

Self-Heal, Self-Secure, Self-Service with Ivanti Neurons for Remote Workers

Resumo da palestra:

Em um mundo tecnológico de constante mudanças, o Ivanti Neurons utiliza a Inteligência Artificial para prover a hiper automação necessária para suportar estas mudanças. Permitindo às empresas a pró-atividade, previsibilidade, a auto recuperação e auto segurança de dispositivos e o autoatendimento por parte dos usuários finais. Além de garantir a antecipação de ameaças de segurança, a cyber-segurança adaptável e fornecer experiências contextuais e personalizadas aos usuários corporativos.

Sobre o Palestrante:

I am product manager with a proven track record of delivering. Innovative solutions in the products have delivered profitable growth. I have experience creating solutions for enterprise IT departments. These products focused on delivering high value, quick ROI and improving end-user productivity. This created loyal and enthusiastic customers.

I am skilled in communicating technical details to engineering and other technical teams and also being able to speak to the business. I have participated in communicating and delivering on strategic vision and product direction. As a senior product manager, I have worked across the entire lifecycle of the product, engaging in areas such as businesses development, product marketing, sales enablement, customer engagement, and implementation.

